30th Anniversary Edition Goldwing

2018 F-250 Super Duty
2021 Polaris General XP 1000
2013 Yamaha Rhino
2006 F-250 Powerstroke
30th Anniversary Edition Goldwing
2005 Yamaha Rhino
Honda VTX 1300C
Lifted Rincon
Honda Rincon
Honda Bigred
1992 Ford F150
Quachita National Forest, Mena, AR
Red River New Mexico
Moab '04'
Moab '05'
Moab '06'
Moab '07'
Red River Texas
Little Sahara OK.
Past Trucks
Honda Goldwing
Mississippi Hunting
Mississippi Hunt '05'
Buddy's Fourwheelers
Favorite Links
About Me
Contact Me
Moab '13'
Moab '14'

My onroad toy

In December 2012 I got a really great deal on a 2005 Gold Wing that had a side car installed.  Not wanting anything to do with a side car I figured I could remove it and sell it to recoop some of my money.  Although they had to ruin a few cosmetic parts to add the side car, since removal I have replaced all parts with the exception of thea hole in the lower right side of the fairing.  With tape it is hardly noticable and with everything else I replaced on it, it looks brand new and runs just as good as it looks.  Our longest trip on it so far was from DFW to Monument valley in UT, down to theGrand Canyon, and then down through Pheonix, Tucon, LaCruses, Roswell and back home.  I replaced it with a 2015 Harley Davidson Ultra Limited and wish I wouldn't have gotten rid of her.
